Purpose in life

How can u get a life out of yourself?

People living in this world are missing out a lot of stuff, because everyone is too focus on earning money.
Beside working, there are actually a lot of stuff that u can do, all u need is to give urself a time off.... Maybe here are some tips that i can think of, for u to include in ur activity planning....

1) Watch movie at home, or even outside at a beach. I am sure that everyone sure have a laptop, ipad and etc... If you find watching movie at a threater is too mainstream or money wasting, why not just download into ur device? :) 

2) Cooking together, to whip up some dinner! I really do enjoy cooking, and the thought of cooking with someone i love, is so cool. Haha. Is a well quality time spend with your partner, and its much more healthier than u eating outside... U can enjoy your own liking of taste, and enjoy the dinner where is so comfy to u. 

3) Taking a short trips to somewhere near, (Bali, Batam, Thailand and malaysia)
All these are some of the relaxing places that i find that is cheap. Life is so stressful already due to work, why not just take a maximum of four days to relax yourself ? :)

4) Jogging/walk at a park tgt, all you need is just an hour in the morning or in the night, to refresh urself by taking in fresh air ! It really do calms ur mind and relived u from stress! And is FOC. Free of charge! 

Well, thats all i can think for now! Hope there are people reading this that find it useful! Cya guys :)

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